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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA
May 3, 2012
President Michael Parker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/ Zoning Inspector and Road Superintendent David Kelley.
Mr. Stewart moved to accept the minutes for the April 19, 2012 Trustee meeting, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called; with everyone present voting yes; motion carried.
No guests were present at the meeting.
Zoning Report:
Mr. David said that he had issued no permits since the last meeting;
Mr. David reported that he had talked with American Tower again about their site maintenance for the tower located on Blaine Emmerick’s property. He said the site supervisor said he would arrange to have someone mow the site.
Mr. David distributed copies of emails received from Ron Fragapane concerning the cleanup of the nursery site on Mason Road. Mr. Fragapane said that a cleanup work date was set for May 19; he said that this was being manned by volunteers because the business had no monies to put toward a cleanup. After some discussion, the Trustees decided to wait until May 19th to see how much they accomplish toward the cleanup.
Mr. David reported that he had received a complaint about the trash and junk located at 7718 Patten Tract. He said that he confirmed the complaint by driving by the property. He said according to the Auditor’s site the property belongs to Shirley K. Neidler. Mr. David said he will send her a letter requesting that they clean up the property.
Mr. David said he also talked with the realtor handling the property located at 7807 Patten Tract Road about maintaining the property. She said she would have someone mow the lawn.
Road Superintendent
Mr. Kelley was absent.
Mr. Leber reported that the company doing the land leasing for the purposed wind turbine farm was in the area doing core drilling to determine soil stability.
Mr. Parker reported on the meeting with the Milan Trustees concerning the renewal of the fire contract with the Milan Township Fire Department. He said that the bottom line was; with the raising cost to operate and because Milan Township had just purchased a new fire engine, the fire call rates would increase gradually to fifteen hundred per call over the life of the contract.
Mr. David question about contacting Huron River Valley Fire Department about possible fire coverage for those residents living closer to Monroeville, after some discussion, Mr. Leber said he would contact Huron River Valley.
Mr. Stewart questioned about the fire call to Timothy Williams house on April 9th, in the fire report it stated that because of improperly burning a scrap pile it eventually spread to the remains of the house that had been knocked down. Mr. Stewart said because they didn’t call Don Vartorella and reported that they would be burning a pile, and then failed to properly attend the fire; it ended up costing Oxford Township residents a $1000 dollar fire call. He said people have been repeatedly warned about improper burning. In the fire report it even questioned about further action be taken because of the unattended fire. After some discussion it was decided to approach Don Vartorella, Oxford Township Fire Inspector for his opinion on whether to charge Mr. Williams for the fire call.
Fiscal Officer
Mr. David reported that he had questioned Sandy Rabino, Assistant County Prosecutor, about what the “Ohio Revised Code” legal procedure states; that was if the Township were to pay to have a building demolished and put the cost as a lien on the taxes, who could forgive the debt, in the event the property was sold by the County Treasurer. Mr. Rabino stated that if a property is sold by the County Treasurer for the settlement of back due taxes, the Ohio Revised Code states that all liens are forgiven for the payment of the tax bill. He said that usually the bank, or anybody holding a lien will attend the sale and either buy the property or see that it sells high enough to recover any liens they hold against it.
Mr. David reviewed the fire calls with the Trustee, that had been reportedly charge to the Township by Groton and Milan Fire Departments during the months of March and April.
Communications were reviewed.
Old Business
The fire contract with Milan Township was discussed earlier in the meeting.
Mr. Stewart reported that he had discussed renewing the “Fire Inspector Contract” with Don Vartorella. Mr. Vartorella said he would continue to serve Oxford Township as the Fire Inspector for the area covered by the Milan Township Fire Department if they so desired. After some discussion, Mr. Stewart said he would contact Kerry Jett to see if he would continue to serve as Assistant Fire Inspector in charge of area cover by Groton Township Fire Department.
The bid from Paul Fox and Sons for the demolition of the building belonging to John Whyde located at 4809 Delematre Road, was reviewed. It was discussed about contacting John Zimmerman, Inspector for Huron Township Building Department to proceed with declaring it an unsafe structure. After some discussion it was decided to table any decision until Mr. Stewart had a chance to contact Don Vartorella, as Fire Inspector, about joining in the process of declaring the structure unsafe.
New Business
Mr. Stewart move to pay the bills in the amount of $9,629.71, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
No further business, Mr. Stewart moved to adjourn.
Michael Parker, President
Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer
Michael G Parker-President
Cell: 419-704-2549
James W. Stewart-Trustee
Cell: 419-656-3243
Scott Leber-Trustee
Cell: 419-706-5850