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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA

Regular Meeting Minutes

January 5, 2012

President Scott Leber called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call
Roll calls indicated that Trustees Scott Leber and James Stewart were present, Trustee Michael Parker was absent. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer & Zoning Inspector, and Road Superintendent David Kelley.

Election of Officers
President Leber yielded the chair to Fiscal Officer Phillip David; Mr. David called for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Leber nominated Mr. Parker, Stewart moved nominations be closed, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion to close nominations passed.

Mr. David called for an oral vote; all present voted for Mr. Parker, for Chairman.

Being Mr. Parker was absent; Mr. David called for nominations for the position of Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Leber nominated Mr. Stewart. Mr. Stewart moved the nominations be closed, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

Mr. David called for an oral vote, all present voted for Mr. Stewart for Vice Chairman.

Mr. David turned the chair over to Vice Chairman, Mr. Stewart.

Mr. Leber moved to accept the minutes for the December 15, 2011 Trustee meeting, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called; with everyone present voting yes; motion carried.

No guests were present.

Zoning Report
Mr. David said that he had issued no permits since the last meeting.

Mr. David reported that he had met with Robert Wensink concerning the lot split process for a 22 acre parcel they were purchasing from the Rohrabacher family.

Mr. David reported that letters had been sent to Timothy Williams, 12309 Patten Tract Road and Michele Ostheimer, 4817 Delematre Road. Mr. David said he had also contacted Mark Janowich at the Erie County Health Department, about inspecting the property.

Road Superintendent
Mr. Kelley reported that they had finished trimming the trees on Lovers Lane Road. He said several people had stopped during the trimming process and commented on how much safer they thought the road would be with the trees trimmed.

Mr. Kelley reported that he had hit an unknown tile while he was digging the grave for Don Ebert. He said that eventually they moved to another grave site because they couldn’t stem the flow of water from the tile. He suggested that they get Fox’s Septic Service out to jet the tile, so they could determine where the tile flows to.

There was also discussion about the need to put the driveway to the back of the cemetery, shown in the cemetery map layout. Mr. Kelley said it would eliminate a lot of work when you have to dig a grave in wet weather. No decisions were made at this time.

Mr. Leber said he attended the Regional Planning meeting. He reported one of the topics discussed was the new interest in natural gas exploration due to the new hydraulic fracturing process being used. He reported that control of the exploration process would be coming from the state level.

Mr. Leber reported that there was also discussion about pushing for a county wide zoning program again.

Mr. Parker was absent.

Mr. Stewart reported that he had received a call from Donna Dahs about picking up a deer caress on Wood Road. He said he took it to the landfill.

Fiscal Officer
Mr. David said he had emailed Sandy Rabino about the check Duane Galloway was holding containing the $3400 for the fire calls to Central Erie Elevator. Mr. David said he was contacted by Gary Lickfelt, who was handling the case. Mr. Lickfelt said after talking with Mr. Galloway, Mr. Galloway had agreed to cut a check to the Township. Mr. Lickfelt said once he had received the check he would forward it to the Township.

Mr. David reminded the Trustees that they needed to turn in new slips for their health payments.

Communications were reviewed.

Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business
Mr. David presented copies of the Temporary Appropriations for 2012 to the Trustees for their review. After some discussion, Mr. Leber moved to accept the Temporary Appropriations for 2012, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

Mr. David presented the mileage certificate from the State of Ohio for their approval. Mr. Leber moved to certify the mileage amount, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

Mr. Leber moved to pay the bills in the amount of $17,792.80, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

No further business, Mr. Stewart moved to adjourn.

Michael Parker, President
Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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Michael G Parker-President


Cell: 419-704-2549

James W. Stewart-Trustee


Cell: 419-656-3243

Scott Leber-Trustee


Cell: 419-706-5850