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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA

Regular Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2012


President Michael Parker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/ Zoning Inspector, and Road Superintendent David Kelley.


Mr. Stewart moved to accept the minutes, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.


Pamela Sprowls, Director of Business Development and Terri Davis, President of Ohio Billing were present at the meeting to discuss the options available for the recovery of charges to the Township for services to non-residents involved in fire and EMS calls.

Ms Sprowls related their experiences handling EMS and fire billing for entities throughout Ohio, and southern Michigan. She said with the downturn in available funds many entities are beginning to bill both residents and non-residents for emergency service charges. She went on to explain most insurance policies provide for payments for emergency services, so why shouldn’t entities try to recoup their cost to operate. She said the answer to statements like “we pay taxes” should be answered with you pay taxes to enable the Township to have the equipment to respond to the emergency calls, the fees provide for the cost to operate that equipment. The Trustees said that their main interest was to recover cost for calls for the Ohio Turnpike and non-residents. Ms. Sprowls said that they would operate under any policy that the Trustees dictated.

The Trustee thanked both ladies for coming and talking with them.

Charlene Lewis, 5315 Delematre Road, was present at the meeting. Ms. Lewis said she was there to talk about problems she was having with her neighbor. She reported that they have a junk car in the back yard, and they were riding a three-wheeler up and down the road, she was worried someone was going to get hurt. After some discussion, Mr. David said he would look into the junk car, but the Trustees told her that the complaint about the three-wheeler was something she would have to report to the sheriff.

Ms. Lewis thanked the Trustees for listening to her.

Zoning Report:

Mr. David reported that he had issued two permits since the last meeting;

Richard Reinbolt, 2608 Mason Rd. – 8 x 12 accessory building

Scott Love, 8119 Campbell Street – front porch deck

Mr. David reported that he had sent out three register letters requesting action by residents to correct zoning problems with their property. In answer to one of the letters, Mr. David said that he had talked with Jason Hermes about the portable sign that had been placed in front of the motorcycle shop. He said after some discussion Mr. Hermes said they would remove the portable sign, and once they have a sign designed for the shop, they would apply for a permit.

In answer to his second letter, Mr. David said he had talked with Dean Keller, who was listed as the owner of the house located at 2909 Mason Road, about the overgrown lawn. Mr. Keller said that the house actually belonged to Isaac Mathis, who actually lived there. Mr. David said he informed Mr. Keller that he had talked with someone at the house about mowing the grass, but they had failed to do anything about it. Mr. David said he told Mr. Keller because the house is still in his name; he would be responsible for it. Mr. Keller said he would talk to Mathis about cutting the grass.

Mr. David reported that he had also had discussions with Bob England and Mark Janowich about the John Whyde property on Delematre and Timothy William’s property on Patten Tract Roads. He said they reported that the Health Department was working on the problem properties. They said they would keep the Township posted on any new developments.

Road Superintendent

Mr. Kelley reported that he had done the third driveway entrance at Wensink Farms; he said that he and Wensinks were satisfied that the project should prevent loose stone from being dragged onto the highway by heavy trucks, thus eliminating a potential safety hazard. Mr. Kelley said he had made up a boom to spray the road berms, in an effort to burn the vegetation back off the road bed. He said once the vegetation was dead they would be cutting back the berms on Lovers Lane and Wood Road.

Mr. Kelley reported that he had spent an afternoon helping Perkins Township wedge coat a portion of Strub Road. He said they had never done any wedge coating, so they had requested his help. He said that they have worked with him when he requested use of their vac-truck, so he thought helping would be a good will gesture. The Trustees agreed.


Mr. Leber reported that he had talked with Dick Speer about dumping the berming material. He said that Mr. Speer had a special place for the material, so Dave should get hold of him before dumping anything.

Mr. Leber also reported that he had gone over to Junior Luberda’s house, 4907 Delematre Road, because he was having a problem with a neighbor. He said after reviewing the situation, he said he told Mr. Luberda it was not a Township issue.

Mr. Parker said he didn’t have anything to report at this time.

Mr. Stewart reported that Milan Township Fire Department had responded to an accident at the Mason Jar on Mason Road. He said that Groton should have been the one to respond. He said he talked with Kerry Jett, Fire Chief Groton Township about the call, Mr. Jett said that the 911 dispatcher is the one that made the mistake. He said he would check into it, and report back to Mr. Stewart.

Fiscal Officer

Mr. David reported that he had received the contract number from the Ohio Cooperative Purchasing and had forwarded it to Tony Polen so they could clarify the discount purchase with John Deere credit.


Communications were reviewed.

Old Business

There was no old business to review.

New Business

Mr. Stewart move to pay the bills in the amount of $9,326.70, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

No further business, Mr. Stewart moved to adjourn.


Michael Parker, President         Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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Michael G Parker-President


Cell: 419-704-2549

James W. Stewart-Trustee


Cell: 419-656-3243

Scott Leber-Trustee


Cell: 419-706-5850