Copyright 2016 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.
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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA
September 15, 2016
President Jim Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Roll call indicated that
Trustees Scott Leber and James Stewart were present, Trustee Michael Parker was
absent. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/ Zoning Inspector, and
Road Superintendent David Kelley.
MMr. Leber moved to accept the minutes for
September 1, 2016, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all
present voting yes; motion carried.
Dave Schaefer and Joe Stang, Trustees for
Ridgefield Township, Huron County were present at the meeting to discuss an
upcoming road project involving the remaking of the intersection of Peru Center
Road and Stoneridge Road. They explained that while Ridgefield Township had
received a grant to rebuild the intersection, they were interested in repaving
Stoneridge Road in it’s entirely while the contractor was there with their
equipment. Because the boundary line between the two Townships divides
Stoneridge Road the Ridgefield Trustees were there to discuss sharing the cost
of repaving the road. After some further discussion, Mr. Stewart said that funds
set aside for purchasing asphalt would be reviewed and after discussing the
proposal with Trustee Parker who was absent, they would have an answer for them
by the next meeting.
Zoning Report:
Mr. David
reported that he had issued no zoning permit since the last meeting.
Mr. David
reported that James Shickley had applied for a zoning change from “commercial”
to “residential” for a lot that he and his brother were dividing off of the
family estate. Mr. David said the Zoning Board hearing would be scheduled for
Thursday October 27.
Mr. David said
that the contract with Huron Township Building Department to do building
inspections for Oxford Township was up for renewal. After some discussion Mr.
Leber introduced the following resolution;
2016-09-01Renewel of 5 year agreement with Huron Township for building
inspection to be performed by the Huron Township Building Department, Mr.
Stewart seconded the above resolution. Roll call results as follows;
Mr. Leber – yes
Mr. Parker – absento:p>
MMr. Stewart –
adopted this 15th day of September, 2016
I, Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer of
Oxford Township
Do hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of a motion as
recorded in the September 15, 2016 minutes of the Oxford Township Trustees
Phillip M. David, fiscal officer
Oxford Township
Mr. Kelley reported that they had been busy paving in argretta Township
until the paver had broken done, once repaired they would be finishing up. There
was discussion about the sealing job that had been done on the parking lot;
everyone present was satisfied with the coating and stripping job. Mr. Kelley
said weather permitting after he was done in Margretta Township they would be
berming Wood Road.
Mr. Kelley reported that he had inquired about trading up to a new
lawnmower; he said that trading in our current John Deere mower on a new similar
model would involve a cash payment of $5100 dollars. No decision was made at
this time
Mr. Leber didn’t have
anything to report at this time.
Mr. Parker was absent.
Mr. Stewart didn’t have
anything to report at this time.
Fiscal Officer.
Mr. David presented a
resolution from the Erie County Solid Waste District asking that the Trustees
approve the 2015
Erie County Solid Waste Management District Plan.
After some discussion, Mr. Leber move to not approve the 2015 Erie County Solid
Waste Management District Plan, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called
with the following results;
Mr. Leber – no
Mr. Parker – absent
Mr. Stewart – no
Motion to not approve
the 2015 Erie County Solid Waste Management District Plan Resolution approved
this 15th, September, 2016
I, Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer of
Oxford Township
Do hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of a motion as
recorded in the September 15, 2016 minutes of the Oxford Township Trustees
Phillip M. David, fiscal officer
Oxford Township
Communications were
Old Business
There was no old business
to discuss.
New Business
Mr. Leber moved to pay the
bills in the amount of $27,833.41, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was
called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
No further business, the
meeting was adjourned.
James W. Stewart, President Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer
James W. Stewart-President
Cell: 419-656-3243
Scott Leber-Vice-President
Cell: 419-706-5850
Michael G Parker-Trustee
Cell: 419-704-2549