James W. Stewart
Cell: 419-656-3243
Scott Leber
Cell: 419-706-5850
Michael G Parker
Cell: 419-704-2549
Copyright 2017 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.
October 5, 2017
President Scott Leber called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Roll call indicated that
all Trustees were present, also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/
Zoning Inspector, Road Superintendent David Kelley on vacation.
Stewart moved to approve the minutes for the September 27th meeting,
Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes;
motion carried...
– No guests were present.
Zoning Report:
Mr. David reported he had issued no permits since the last
Mr. David reported that the Appeals Board had approved Terry Moran’s
application for a variance to; exceed the allowable square footage for an
accessory structure.
Mr. David reported that the Township had received notice that Erie County
Commissioners were holding a variance hearing for Derek Guerra application for a
driveway permit.
Road Superintendent:
There was no Road Report because Mr. Kelley was excused for being on
Mr. Leber
said he had
nothing to report at this time.
Mr. Parker
reported that he had talked with Kerry
Jett, Fire Chief for Groton Township Fire Department about the future plans for
equipment to man the purposed substation at Oxford Township. He said Chief Jett
purposed that along with the newly purchased pumper truck, a tanker truck and a
brush truck would be future additions to the substation located at Oxford
Township. Mr. Parker said that having this equipment at the substation, would
allow quick response to any emergency occurring in Oxford Township with backup
as needed from the main station at Groton Township. After some discussion, all
agreed that there was a lot of planning and work to be done.
Mr. Stewart reported that he had done some measuring
and had staked out an area for his idea of a purposed cold storage building,
meaning any equipment that could be stored for the winter that wouldn’t require
being in a heated building. After reviewing the purposed area for the building
it was suggested that Chief Jett, along with a representive from Groton Township
Trustees meet at the site to review the purposed plans to remodel an existing
garage bay to accommodate the pumper truck and needed equipment. It was decided
that everyone could meet Tuesday October 10th at 3:00 pm.
Fiscal Officer:
Mr. David questioned if
anyone was running against Mr. Leber or Mr. Stewart or they were running
unopposed. He said if they were running unopposed he could apply for their bonds
to be renewed immediately instead of waiting until after the election. Neither
Trustee was sure if they were running unopposed so they said they would check
with the election board for the next meeting.
Communications were
Old Business:
There was discussion about
the purposed “wind farm” that might could be located in Oxford Township. After
some discussion, the Trustees felt they couldn’t endorse or support a property
tax deferment for the wind farm.
New Business:
There was discussion about
filling the open seat on the Appeals Board left by Jim Miester. Mr. Parker moved
to appoint Mike Nutter to the open position of alternate to the Oxford Township
Zoning Appeals Board, Mr. Stewart seconded the nomination. Roll was called, with
all present answering yes; motion to appoint Mike Nutter to the Appeals Board
was approved.
Mr. Parker moved to pay the
bills in the amount of $7,278.06, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was
called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
No further business, the
meeting was adjourned.
Scott Leber, President Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officerp>