James W. Stewart
Cell: 419-656-3243
Scott Leber
Cell: 419-706-5850
Michael G Parker
Cell: 419-704-2549
Copyright 2021 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.
October 21, 2021
President Michael Parker called the
meeting to order at 7:00 pm
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present, also present was Phillip
David, Fiscal Officer / Zoning Inspector and Road Superintendent David Kelley.
Mr. Stewart
moved to approve the minutes for the October 7th meeting, Mr. Leber
seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present answering yes motion
Fred Moffit
and Ryan Westerhold, Oxford Township residents were present at the meeting.
Zoning Report:
Mr. David reported that he had done a lot split procedure for
Jennifer Parker who had combined several small parcels into one.
Mr. David reported that he had an inquiry from an appraiser about
the County property on Harris Road where the water tower had sat. He said the
county was putting it up for sale. There was discussion about the lot not
meeting the minimum requirements for a residential lot. Mr. David said the
ground was purchased by the County in 1987 that was before he became the Zoning
Officer, he said he would have to see what the lot regulations were at that
time. Mr. David said because it was an
existing parcel it would be classified as a nonconforming lot of existence.
Road Superintendent:
Mr. Kelley reported that he had been
doing some berming on Schied Road. He went on to say he had priced a new 12-foot
push blade with Dave Pocock who said it would cost around $5800 and they were
backed out 4 -5 months on new orders.
There was some discussion about new vs
looking for a used one, no decision was made at this time.
Mr. Kelley discussed his further
retirement with the Trustees. He said he was going to retire in 2022, it depends
on how long the Trustees wanted him to work with the new hiree. He said he
wanted to work or train someone thru the snow season, show him how the Townships
work together doing crack sealing and asphalting with the other Townships. He
said it all depends on how long the Trustees wanted to pay two workers, but he
said he would be leaving in 2022.
Mr. Leber
said he
had nothing to report at this time.
Mr. Parker
reported that he had been in contact with Tim Lloyd about the traffic test being
done on Taylor Road by Erie County, he said Mr. Lloyd said they were behind
because of labor shortages but it was being done.
Parker said that the receipts for the cost of the dugout had been turned into
Erie Metro Parks as per the grant application requirements.
Parker reminded the Trustee that the Christmas Dinner for the Erie County
Township Association was December 9th at WineErie on Hayes Ave. at
6:00pm. Cost would be $15.00 per person.
Mr. Stewart
reported that at the Berlin
Township Conservation League bouquet and gun raffle they had raised $3000 for
the Erie County Sheriff’s Canine fund.
Fiscal Officer:
David said he didn’t have anything to report.
There was no communication to review
Old Business;
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
Mr. Stewart moved to pay the bills in the
amount of $47,432.87, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all
present voting yes; motion carried
Michael G. Parker, President of
Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer