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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA
Nov 5, 2015
President Michael Parker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/ Zoning Inspector, and Road Superintendent David Kelley.
Mr. Stewart moved to approve the minutes for October 15th meeting, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
Zoning Report:
Mr. David reported that Ron Linder, 3303 State Route 113, had applied for a variance to exceed the allowable square footage for an accessory structure. He said the hearing was going to be held November 12, 2015 because the fourth Thursday of the month was Thanksgiving Day.
Road Superintendent
Mr. Kelley reported that he had cleaned the material out of the ditch in Kimball put there by Daneen Kindt. He said that some of the material can be burned, but the remainder of it will have to be hauled away.
The recycling event was discussed; Mr. Kelley said that Doug Galloway will deliver a dumpster here at the complex for tires, which will later be loaded into a semi-trailer. Tires with rims are acceptable because they remove the tires for the rim value.
Mr. Kelley said Fire Chief Kerry Jett had requested that an article be put in the spring newsletter saying that new address signs would be available for a fee.
Mr. Leber said they were working on getting Mr. Kelley’s computer hooked up.
Mr. Parker reported that Bob England from the Erie County Health Department had looked at the garage at 64104 Mason Road and talked with the owners. He said the tree would be removed from the roof and the building will probably be torn down.
Mr. Stewart said he didn’t have anything at this time.
Fiscal Officer
Mr. David presented the Bi-annual audit findings to the Board for their review.
After some discussion Mr. Stewart moved to wave the formal exit conference, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
Mr. Stewart moved to accept the suggested financial review schedule;
1. Quarterly review of checking account reconciliations
2. Quarterly review of revenue status
3. Quarterly review of appropriation status
4. Currant fund balances at every meeting
5. Currant expenditures for every meeting
Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
Mr. David presented the new formula from the Erie County Finance Committee for the distribution of the Local Government Fund. After some discussion, Mr. Stewart moved to accept the currant formula presented by the committee. Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
Mr. David reported that the new bonds for Mr. Parker and himself had been applied for thru OTARMA.
Communications were reviewed.
Old Business
No word on possible fire charges for the fire on Harris Road. Mr. Stewart said he would contact Chief Jett again.
New Business
Mr. Stewart moved to pay the bills in the amount of $12,935.49 Mr. Leber; seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
No further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Michael G. Parker, President Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer
Michael G Parker-President
Cell: 419-704-2549
James W. Stewart- Vice-President
Cell: 419-656-3243
Scott Leber-Trustee
Cell: 419-706-5850