
James W. Stewart


Cell: 419-656-3243


Scott Leber


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker


Cell: 419-704-2549





Copyright 2021 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.



  Regular Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2021


President Michael Parker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Roll Call:

Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present, also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer / Zoning Inspector and Road Superintendent David Kelley.


Mr. Stewart moved to approve the minutes for the October meeting, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present answering yes motion carried.


Fred Moffit and Ryan Westerhold, Oxford Township residents were present at the meeting. 

Zoning Report:

Mr. David said that he had a discussion with Sue Brown, Assistant Prosecutor for Erie County about the copies of the zoning letters, that he had forwarded to her, that were being sent to Michael Crnjak and Patricia Oddo. She had requested that any letters being sent that said a copy was being forwarded to her as Assistant Prosecutor should be sent to her immediately.

Mr. David said that she also told him that she would be retiring in July and that she and Gary Lickfelt were working with Assistant Prosecutor Jason Hinners, who would be taking over the handling of the Townships needs, once she retires.

Road Superintendent:

Mr. Kelley reported that he had been doing the roadside mowing for the last time this year. He said that he had been having problems with the new salt spreader and cross auger. He said he had been in contact with JudCo about the it and they were working to remedy the problem.

There was more discussion about the purchase of a push blade for the front of the backhoe to be used to push back corners at intersections during the winter. No decision was made, Mr. Leber said he would keep looking on line for a used one.

Mr. Kelley requested that a battery-operated grease gun be purchased for the garage. After some discussion, Mr. Stewart moved to approve the purchase of a battery-operated grease gun for the garage, Mr. Leber seconded the motion, roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

Mr. Kelley requested Monday, November 8th thru Wednesday, November 10th for vacation days. There was no objection from the Trustees.


Mr. Leber said he had nothing to report at this time.

Mr. Parker reported that he had reviewed and updated the Policies and Procedure Manual for the Township. He distributed copies of the draft to the other Trustees and ask that they review it for any comments or corrections for the next meeting.

There was discussion about selling the lot owned by the Township on Thomas Road where Mary’s School House had sat. No decision was made at this time.

Mr. Stewart reported that he didn’t have anything extra to add at this time.

Fiscal Officer: 

Mr. David reported that the Township had received the grant check from ErieMetro Parks


The communications were reviewed.

Old Business;

There was no old business to discuss. 

New Business:

It was suggested that a work session be held to review the job description and requirements for the upcoming opening to replace Mr. Kelley.

Mr. Leber moved to hold a work session November 23rd at 9 am., Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried. Mr. David said he would see that the work session was posted.

Mr. Leber moved to pay the bills in the amount of $2,840.61, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried

No further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

Michael G. Parker, President of Board                   Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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