
James W. Stewart


Cell: 419-656-3243


Scott Leber


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker


Cell: 419-704-2549





Copyright 2020 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.



  Regular Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2020


President Scott Leber called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present, also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer / Zoning Inspector, and Road Superintendent David Kelley.


There were no minutes to approve.


There were no guest present.

Zoning Report

Mr. David reported that he had done a lot split procedure for Robert Sitterly for a parcel on State Route 113.

Mr. David reported that he had received a call from Chris ieger, 7810 Patten Tract Road about boundary questions on his lot. Mr. Rieger said because the next door neighbor’s back yard was fenced in, the neighbor had been crossing the property line into his yard to get to his back property. Mr. David questioned if Mr. Rieger knew where his property pins were? When Mr. Rieger said he did know where the pins were and he had marked the property line.

Mr. David said he told him that it wasn’t a zoning problem, that he should talk to the neighbor first about the problem, and if it continued than the next step would be talk to the Sheriff.

Road Superintendent

MMr. Kelley reported that the 2000 one-ton truck had broken down. He said it was taken to Ebert’s Garage where they did a system check and found that one of the coils had gone bad. He said they replace the bad coil and the truck now runs good.

Mr. Kelley reported that he had helped Margretta with several burials this past week because they were short on help. He said besides that he had been busy mowing road sides for the last time. He said he likes to mow this last time after the farmers are done with crops because he can cleanup any weeds along the field edges which helps to cut down on the drifting in because we get any blowing snow.

Mr. Kelley requested four days’ vacation this next week over the Thanksgiving holiday. The Trustees approved his request.


Mr. Leber had talked with Curt Heyman about the drain tile they were wanting to run from Livengood Road across their field to the creek crossing their property. This would help eliminate the water buildup on Livengood Road which was flooding across their field and Ron Millers. The catch basin would have to be replaced with a bigger one in order to accommodate a 13-inch main tile that would be running across their field to the creek. Mr. Heyman requested that because this was helping to eliminate the flooding on Livengood Road he ask that the Township pay 25% of the cost to put the drain line in.

There was discussion but no decision was made at this time.

Mr. Parker reported that after talking with Fire Chief Kerry Jet, and receiving pricing from B. A. Bores Construction, ranging from $5,900 for a fire hydrant with a 6X6 tap sleeve to $7,287 for a fire hydrant with a 12X6 tap sleeve. After reviewing the installation cost for the new hydrants, Mr. Parker moved that a letter be drawn up asking Don Moyer, Director of Environmental Services to Erie County, to consider the new hydrants and coordinate their installation in Oxford Township. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present answering yes; motion carried

Mr. Parker said the new hydrants would help with fire control services and help to lower insurance rate for the local residents.

Mr. Stewart reported that he had gotten quotes from Fresch Electric for installing an overhead light at the exit door coming out of the meeting room to the south. He said because the Election Board had set up a one-way pattern during the last election, people were exiting out the south door where there was no overhead lighting showing the sidewalk. He said there was two different lights that were suggested for over the exit door. After reviewing the two styles of overhead exit lights. Mr. Leber moved for the purchase and installation of the Wall Pack Light, siting that it provide more down light for better visibility on the steps and sidewalk, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes motion carried. Mr. Stewart said he would confirm with Fresch Electric which lite the Township wanted installed.

Mr. Stewart suggested that Liana Wensink draw up a community letter similar to the Messengers stating that the Township had purchased the Sigma Covid Safety Kits for distribution to Oxford Township residents, and had scheduled two Saturday mornings; Saturday November 28th from 9 – 3 am., and Saturday, December 5th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. for residents to come by the Township Complex and pick up their free Covid Safety Kits.

After some discussion, Mr. Leber moved to move ahead with the announcement and to pay Liana Wensink her regular fee for doing the work, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

Mr. Stewart said he would get with Liana about the announcement and also pick up the stamps needed for the mailing.

Fiscal Officer: 

Mr. David said he didn’t have anything to add at this time. 


Communications were reviewed. 

Old Business

Progress on the new building was discussed.

New Business:

Mr. Stewart introduced the following Resolution 2020-11-03 and moved for its adoption.

WHEREAS, the Board passed Resolution 2020-11-03 affirming that funds received would be expended only to cover costs of the Township consistent with the requirements of section 5001 CARES Act as described in U.S.C. 601(d) and any applicable regulation before receiving said funds; and

1. WHEREAS, the Board determines it necessary to provide Coronavirus prevention related to the purchase of an electrostatic spray gun and hexzene NO2 sanitizer from Enzo’s Cleaning Solutions for $790 for the purpose of disinfecting the Oxford Township buildings and equipment and machinery stored therein and other equipment used by the Township

2. WHEREAS, during the 2020 election it was necessary to provide one-way traffic through the facility for the electorate to prevent the spread of coronavirus  and it has been determined that there is no lighting at the exit to make safe passage for one way traffic and that a light needs to be installed at the exit for future elections and similar meetings or events to safely assist in the use of a traffic pattern  that aids in the prevention of the spread of coronavirus at a cost of $529.18 from Fresch Electric Inc.

3. WHEREAS, additional expenditures for ppostage are required to notify residents to pick up the Family COVID prevention kits that were purchased from RB Sigma LLC

Mr. Leber seconded the resolution, a roll call vote was called resulting in the following:

                                                      AYE       NAY

Scott Leber                                  __X__      ______

Michael G. Parker                       __X__     _____                  

James W. Stewart                        __X___     _____        

APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 19th Day of November, 2020

No further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned,

Scott Leber, President of Board                   Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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