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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA

Regular Meeting Minutes

June 16, 2011


President Scott Leber called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Roll calls indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer & Zoning Inspector and Road Superintendent David Kelley.


Mr. Stewart moved to accept the minutes for the June 2, 2011 Trustee meeting, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called; with everyone present voting yes; motion carried.


Lisa Beursken, Erie County Solid Waste District, was present at the meeting along with Duke Fultz from FSI Waste Disposal. They were present at the meeting to discuss upcoming changes to the recycling program in Erie County. As Erie County discontinues having the recycling bins located in the individual Townships, it will be the responsibility of the Township to continue with some form of recycling program. Several programs were discussed, ranging from the installation of mechanical compactors, one for cardboard and another for plastic, cans and glass, to separate bins that would hold the different recyclables. The possibility of applying for grant monies was discussed. With the County phasing out the recycling bins by 2013 it was agreed that time was short to develop some form of program. The Trustees thanked Mr. Fultz and Ms. Beursken for coming to the meeting.

Matt Thayer and Don Tommas were present at the meeting to discuss a recent warning letter Mr. Thayer had received from the Oxford Township Zoning Department.

Zoning Report

Mr. David said that he had issued 1 permit since the last meeting.

Linda Finneran, 8305 Patten Tract Road, deck expansion

Mr. David also reported that he had talked with several of the residents that had been sent letters about junk cars. He said that all said they were working on cleaning up the problem.

Road Superintendent

Mr. Kelley said he had one burial in Bloomingville Cemetery since the last meeting. Wayne Linn was the person that was buried.

Mr. Kelley reported that they were done crack sealing in Groton Township and were moving to Margretta next week. He said that they were spraying the freshly laid crack seal material with soapy water so that it wouldn’t be pulled up if it was run before it hardened. He said that because of the need for water, he had purchased a 125 gallon water tank that he placed in the back of the 1 ton truck. He said that he could also use the tank to carry water when he was spraying road berms. Mr. Kelley said that as soon as they were done with the crack sealing they would be starting the wedge coating.

Mr. Kelley reported that the bids for the tar and chipping had come in. He said that they were the same as last year 1.05 per square yard


Mr. Leber said he had been contacted by Donny Lyons about a water problem along the south side of Delematre Road by his house. Mr. Kelley said that there was no tile on the south side of Delematre at that point.

Mr. Parker said he didn’t have anything to report at this time.

Mr. Stewart said he with Bill Walker about replacing the batteries in the emergency sirens. He said Mr. walker had said that the estimate was to do one siren, he said that after he had heard from all the entities involved, he was going to try and get a better bid price for doing all the sirens at once.

Fiscal Officer

Mr. David said he didn’t have anything to report.


Communications were reviewed.

Old Business

Mr. Leber said the coupler for the backhoe was ready to be picked up. Mr. Kelley said that Scott Wagner from Construction Equipment had said that he could have his truck pick it up when they were up there getting parts for their equipment. Mr. Leber said he was going to call the salesman and see if he couldn’t pressure him to have it delivered.

New Business Mr. Parker moved to pay the bills in the amount of $10,232.21, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

No further business, Mr. Parker moved to adjourn.


Scott Leber, President

Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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Michael G Parker-President


Cell: 419-704-2549

James W. Stewart-Trustee


Cell: 419-656-3243

Scott Leber-Trustee


Cell: 419-706-5850