
James W. Stewart


Cell: 419-656-3243


Scott Leber


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker


Cell: 419-704-2549





Copyright 2019 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.



  Regular Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2020


President James Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Roll Call:

Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present, also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer and Zoning Inspector and Road Superintendent David Kelley


Mr. Stewart yielded the floor to Fiscal Officer Mr. David, Mr. David called for nominations for President of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Parker nominated Scott Leber for President of Board, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Mr. Stewart called for nominations to be closed, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called with all present answering yes, nominations were closed. Mr. David called for a vote on the nomination of Mr. Leber for President. Roll was called with all answering yes; Mr. Leber is the President of the Board of Trustees for 2020.

Mr. David yielded the floor to President Leber. Mr. Leber called for nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Stewart nominated Mr. Parker, seconded bum. Leber. Mr. Parker moved that nomination be closed, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present answer yes, nominations for Vice-President were closed. Mr. Leber called for a vote on the nomination of Mr. Parker for Vice-President, with all present answering yes; Mr. Parker is the Vice-President of the Board of Trustees for 2020.


Mr. Stewart moved to approve the minutes for the December 19th, 2019 Trustee meeting, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called with all present answering yes motion carried.


No guests were present.

Zoning Report:

Mr. David reported that he had issued no permits since the last meeting.

Mr. David reported that he had received an email from Mary Smith at Quicken Loans regarding the cleanup at the Wax property on Patten Tract Road. He said according to the email the property had been cleaned up, the old appliances and the swimming pool had been removed. He said he had not inspected the property since the email was received but he would have a report for the next meeting.

Road Superintendent:

Mr. Kelley reported that he was busy working in the shop during this lull in the winter weather. He said he was working on replacing the straps that hold the diesel fuel tank on the 1992 International truck. He said he was also going over the road records working on suggested repair work and cost for the summer. He said the report is due in to the County Engineer in March. He said some of the road work he was working on; finish asphalting Thomas Road, tar & chipping of Harris and Delematre Roads, and Campbell Street. He said Groton Township is talking that they would like to asphalt Portland Road, but he said that they have cut the road for water projects several times and he would rather wait till they’re done before doing any work on that road.


Mr. Leber said he didn’t have anything at this time.

Mr. Parker reported that a letter from the Erie County Township Association had been sent to the Board of Directors of the Ohio Township Association in support of House Bill 401 and Senate Bill 234 - In Regards Regulation of Wind Farms and Wind Turbine Setbacks.

Mr. Stewart reported that he had filled out an entity questionnaire in regards to Oxford Township concerning the Erie County Hazard Mitigation Plan, and turned it in Regional Planning. He also reported that he had talked with Ashley Ballah with North Central EMS about the pending contract for ambulance service for Oxford Township for 2020. He said, Ms. Ballah said that they, meaning North Central, would bill Oxford Township in February, with payment expected in March.

Mr. Stewart moved that in honor of Linda Jett, that the Township donate $100 dollars to the Groton Township Volunteer Firemen Fund. After some discussion, Mr. Parker seconded the motion, Roll was called, with all present answering yes; motion carried. Mr. David said he would process the check and have it ready for their signatures before the wake on Saturday.

Fiscal Officer: 

Mr. David reported that he had met with Sue Brown about dividing off the Moffitt parcel and consolidating the parcels in Kimball. He said, after talking with Sue, she said if the Moffitt parcel is divided off of the one parcel before they are consolidated than they would have to be resurveyed and a new legal description would have to be issued. If they are consolidated into one, then the Moffitt parcel can be divided off and there would be no need for a survey. He said Sue Brown said after consolidating the three parcels together she would have to draw up a new legal description for the combined parcel before it could be registered. She said she could have the paperwork done by the next Friday.

Mr. David distributed copies of the Estimated Tax Revenue for 2020, and a copy of the Appealed Reduction in Valuation (40%) that the Nexus Company was asking for, and the reduction in tax revenue that would occur if the appeal is granted. There was discussion, and it was agreed that it would take careful planning for spending until this appeal was thru the courts.  


Communications were reviewed.

Old Business;

Mr. Parker said he had talked with Dan Frederick about the new building. He said Mr. Fredrick had finished the bid package and would be forwarding it to Mr. David in form of a bid packet containing the bid specs and two announcements that would need to be posted in the Sandusky Register. He went on to say that the bid opening was set for March 3rd 2020 at 2:00pm.

New Business:

Mr. Parker moved to pay the bills in the amount of $9,432.82 Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

 No further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned,


James W. Stewart, President                                 Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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