

Scott Leber


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker


Cell: 419-704-2549


Brian A Miller




Copyright 2025 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.



  Regular Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2025


Trustee Scott Leber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Trustee Scott Leber led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Trustee Leber, Miller, Parker, Fiscal Officer Pelletier, and Road Superintendent Andy Dunlap are present.


Fiscal Officer Pelletier sent out minutes electronically before the meeting for approval.


Mr. Parker moved to approve the minutes, and Mr. Miller seconded the motion. A verbal vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


No Guests were present


Two variances were approved during the Zoning Board of Appeal meeting on January 30th at 6:30.

Prosecutor Charles Bennett will begin discussions with the party regarding zoning violations that residents have not responded to from the township before filing an injunction.


After discussing phone landlines with the trustees and the fiscal officer, Mr. Dunlap noted that he received 17 calls in the last week, most of which were spam. Mr. Leber noted that Chief Jett no longer needed a phone in the fire department bay. The discussion continued, and Fiscal Officer Pelletier is looking at options to reduce costs, including dropping landline service altogether or reducing to one service line with multiple (2-3) phones on one internal wireless line.

Mr. Dunlap informed the trustees that the plates, registration, and new title arrived for the new F550.

Mr. Dunlap believes the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference was a success. He networked with many vendors and other townships and attended some training courses.

Mr. Dunlap discussed pre-treating roads before laying salt. The trustees are considering using this method during the winter in the future. Mr. Dunlap is pricing the pre-treatment system, and the agent used in the treatment.

Mr. Parker informed the board that Margaretta has a pre-treatment system that produces brine, and that Perkins Twp. is purchasing the pre-wetting solution from Margaretta. Mr. Dunlap and Mr. Parker’s contacts with ODOT personnel, county personnel, and Margaretta personnel recommend using pre-treatment as the salt coming from the truck auger is beneficial. This method pre-activates the salt, helping it adhere to the road and reducing waste. Mr. Dunlap will also research whether Oxford can purchase the pre-treatment solution from either Erie County or Margaretta Twp. and at what cost.

No bids have come in from Mr. Dunlap spoke with a representative from at the winter conference, and she suggested lowering the starting bid and adding an approved sale.

Mr. Dunlap has adjusted the plow to clear township roads better. He noted that Tom Croy of Groton Twp. said the down pressure can be adjusted to reduce wear on the blade and plow shoes, so he reduced it. This is not noted in the operators’ manual.

Mr. Leber inquired about the status of the potential joint purchase of a surplus roller from a local contractor with Margaretta and Groton Townships. Mr. Dunlap informed the board that Groton has not yet met to discuss the purchase. Further review of costs and benefits by the board is necessary.


Trustee Leber:

As mentioned earlier, Mr. Leber talked about plans to reduce phone lines with the fire chief of Groton Township.

Trustee Miller:

Mr. Miller inquired about naming an alternate to the Appeals Board. Matt Strecker is leaving the board and Brian Miller suggests appointing Chris Wensink.

Trustee Parker:

Mr. Parker informed the board that the Blue-Ribbon Committee meetings are productive and residents and elected officials have been attending. The health plan may save money for the county and townships.


Fiscal Officer Pelletier is finishing closing fiscal year 2024 through UAN.

FO Pelletier has distributed all tax forms to employees and necessary government entities. The prior FO incorrectly entered Tim Dunlap’s social security number, which required correction.


No communications from Sheriff Sigsworth.



Under ORC Section 505.24, all township officials are eligible for a 1.75% annual increase through 2028. Lisa Crescimano received the same increase. As the Ohio Revised Code sets it, no motion is required for this increase.

Resolution 2025-02-05-A

Supplemental appropriation for road and bridge $80,000.

Andrew Dunlap receives a 3% raise beginning the first pay period in February 2025. This increase is a cost-of-living adjustment. This raise is congruent to the raise given to Erie County employees by the Commissioners for the cost-of-living adjustment.

Oxford Township extends their sincere condolences to Sheriff Sigsworth. Sheriff’s Crown Victoria is very ill and may not make it in 2025.


Mr. Parker motioned to approve the appointment of Chris Wensink as a replacement for Matt Strecker to the Appeals Board with a second from Mr. Miller. The motion was carried out after a unanimous vote.


Mr. Miller motioned to approve the Resolution for a Road and Bridge Fund the Road and Bridge Fund, with a second from Mr. Parker. The motion passed after a unanimous vote.


Mr. Parker motioned to approve Mr. Dunlap’s 3% raise beginning in February 2025 with a second from Mr. Miller. The motion was carried out after a unanimous vote.


Mr. Miller motioned to pay all bills for Oxford Township with a second from Mr. Parker. The motion was carried out after a unanimous vote.


Mr. Parker made a motion to adjourn, which Mr. Miller seconded. The motion carried after a unanimous vote, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.


Scott Leber, Trustee Chairman _________________________

Melissa Pelletier Fiscal Officer_____________________________

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