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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA

Regular Meeting Minutes

February 2, 2012

President Michael Parker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call
Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer & Zoning Inspector, and Road Superintendent David Kelley.

Mr. Stewart moved to accept the minutes for the January 19, 2012 Trustee meeting, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called; with everyone present voting yes; motion carried.

Scott Thom, Plumbing Program Administrator for the Erie County Health District, was present at the meeting to give the annual report for the Plumbing Program. Mr. Thom reported that because of the economic slowdown, and the drop in housing starts, the plumbing department had only issued 148 residential plumbing permits during 2011. Of the total issued, two permits were issued in Oxford Township.

Mr. Thom reported that part of his time is spent helping to administer the Health Homes Program. He said during 2011, 488 radon gas test kits were issued in Erie County, of the total, 20 were issued in Oxford Township. He reported that 31 homes had lead paint removed.

The Trustees thanked Mr. Thom for his report

Zoning Report:
Mr. David said that he had issued one permit since the last meeting.

Michele Ostheimer, 4817 Delematre Road – fence

Mr. David reported that he had talked with Mr. Fratapane from Stinchcomb Reality. Mr. Fratapane reported that he was waiting on a bid from C & C mowing to mow the field. Mr. Fratapane had asked if the Township had received a letter from Stinchcomb outlining the program they were putting together for the cleanup. Mr. David said that when he replied no, Mr. Fratapane said he would see that it got sent out.

Mr. David distributed copies of the 2011 Annual Zoning Report for the Trustees to review.

Road Superintendent
Mr. Kelley reported that he had received his recertification for his spray applicators license at Kalahari.

Mr. Kelley reported that he had ordered new high intensity prismatic “Stop Ahead” and “Stop” signs faces, that were available in a pressure sensitive film. These film signs can be applied over the old sign, utilizing the metal backer plate, thus saving money. Mr. Kelley said that this was the first step in the sign upgrade demanded by the State.

Mr. Kelley reported that he had the County Sewer Jet Truck out for a day. He reported that they worked on Lovers Lane and Ransom Roads. He said when they jetted the tile along the road in front of Spenser’s, they didn’t hit tree roots as expected, but they did seem to push something down the tile. There was too much water to identify what the problem was.

Mr. Kelley reported that he had picked up the new shop lights.

Mr. Leber reported he had talked with a representative from UV Wind Power, the company contracting for the wind farm in the area. He said they were close to starting the plan wind farm project in our area. Mr. Leber said he would keep the Trustees posted as any new information became available.

Mr. Parker reported that he had attended the Erie County Economic Development meeting.

Mr. Stewart reported that he had attended the Council of Governments meeting. He said Sheriff Lyons reported on the progress to moving to a regional dispatching system. Lisa Beursken, from the Department of Environmental Services, reported that they had applied for a grant for the purchase of compactors for recycling. Mr. Stewart reported that the county recycling dumpster at the elevator was on its way out. He said they couldn’t tell exactly when, either by the end of 2012 or early 2013.

There was discussion about the Trustees getting together before the scheduled April work session, to go to Margaretta and Vermillion Townships to reviewing their different setups.

Fiscal Officer
Mr. David distributed copies of the “2011 Annual Summary Report.” Mr. David reviewed the report with the Trustees, fielding any questions that they had. Mr. Parker, who had reviewed the full annual report, had several questions, which Mr. David was able to answer.

Communications were reviewed.

Old Business
The Trustees signed a letter of appreciation Mr. Parker had put together, to Lisa Ohlemacher for her service on the Zoning Board.

New Business
Mr. Stewart moved to accept the 2011 Annual Financial Report for Oxford Township, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

Mr. Leber move to pay the bills in the amount of $12,309.09, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.

No further business, Mr. Stewart moved to adjourn.

Michael Parker, President
Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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Michael G Parker-President


Cell: 419-704-2549

James W. Stewart-Trustee


Cell: 419-656-3243

Scott Leber-Trustee


Cell: 419-706-5850