
James W. Stewart


Cell: 419-656-3243


Scott Leber


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker


Cell: 419-704-2549





Copyright 2023 StatusMark and Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio. All graphics, design, and illustrations within this website may not be reproduced in part or in whole without expressed written permission. All rights reserved.



  Regular Meeting Minutes

December 21, 2023


President Scott Leber called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Roll Call:

Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present, also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/Zoning Inspector and Road Superintendent Andy Dunlap.


Mr. Parker moved to approve the minutes for December 7, 2023, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion, roll was called, with all present answering yes; motion to accept minutes carried.

Guests; Melissa Pelletier, Fiscal Officer elect, was present at the meeting to observe.

Zoning Report:

Mr. David reported that he had issued no permits since the last meeting.

Road Superintendent:

Mr. Dunlap reported that he had sold the two-wheel trailer that had been approved for sale at the last meeting for $250.00 dollars.

Mr. Dunlap said he had 50 ton of salt delivered to the Township. He said he rotated the old salt in the salt shed with the new to help eliminate any lumps, when it comes to loading.

Mr. Dunlap requested vacation for the week of January 1st-5th, 2024, after a little discussion the Trustees approved his request

Mr. Dunlap presented his recommendations for the Oxford Township Road Repairs for 2024. After reviewing the proposed road repairs, Mr. Parker moved to approve his list of 2024 Road Repairs and that they be forwarded to The Erie County Commissioners for their consideration in granting the 2024 Road Program Agreement with the Oxford Township Trustees, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present answering yes; motion carried. Mr. Parker said he would present it to the Commissioners.


Mr. Leber – reported that Fred Lohmann, Livengood Road had contacted him about a problem he was having with water backing up, he requested getting the catch basin cleaned and the road tile blasted to elevate the problem. Mr. Dunlap said he would contact the County about getting the basin and road tile cleaned. 

Mr. Parker – presented a Letter of Support for Broadband Expansion in Erie County to the Trustees for their review. After some discussion, Mr. Parker moved to approve the letter, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present answering yes; motion carried.

Mr. Stewart – reported that he was still working on getting the emergency generator approved for replacement by the Insurance Company. Meanwhile he suggested researching the price for a replacement generator.

Fiscal Officer

Mr. David presented Resolution 2023-12-01 to the Trustees declaring the necessity to levy a renewal of an existing tax at the same rate of two (2) mills in excess of the ten (10) mill limitation for the purpose of providing and maintaining the Oxford Township Fire and Rescue Program and requesting the Erie County Auditor certify to the Board of Trustees of Oxford Township the amount of tax that will be generated by the renewal of the proposed 2 mill Fire Levy.

Mr. Parker moved to introduce Resolution 2023-12-01 and moved for its adoption, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll call was as follows;

Mr. Leber – yes

Mr. Parker – yes

Mr. Stewart – yes

This Resolution 2023-12-01 adopted this 21st day December, 2023

Mr. David presented Resolution 2023-12-02 to the Trustees declaring the necessity to levy a renewal of an existing tax at the same rate of two (2) mills in excess of the ten (10) mill limitation for the purpose of providing and maintaining the Oxford Township Fire and Rescue Program and requesting the Erie County Auditor certify to the Board of Elections of Erie County the same.

Mr. Leber moved to introduce Resolution 2023-12-02 and moved for its adoption, Mr. Parker seconded the motion.

Roll call was as follows;

Mr. Leber – yes

Mr. Parker – yes

Mr. Stewart – yes 

This Resolution 2023-12-02 adopted this 21st day December, 2023

Mr. David presented Resolution 2023-12-03 to the Trustees declaring the necessity to levy a renewal of an existing tax at the same rate of two and one half (2.50) mills in excess of the ten (10) mill limitation for the purpose of providing funding of providing funding for the payment of the current expenses of the Township and the Erie County Auditor certify to the Board of Trustees of Oxford Township the amount of tax that will be generated by the renewal of the proposed two and one half mill (2.50) mill. A tax in excess of the ten (10) mill limitation of Erie County, Ohio.

Mr. Parker moved to introduce Resolution 2023-12-03 and moved for its adoption, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion.

Roll call was as follows;

Mr. Leber – yes

Mr. Parker – yes

Mr. Stewart – yes

This Resolution 2023-12-03 adopted this 21st day December, 2023

Mr. David presented Resolution 2023-12-04 to the Trustees declaring the necessity to levy a renewal of an existing tax at the same rate of two and one half (2.50) mills in excess of the ten (10) mill limitation for the purpose of providing and maintaining the Oxford Township Fire and Rescue Program and requesting the Erie County Auditor certify to the Board of Elections of Erie County the same.

Mr. Stewart moved to introduce Resolution 2023-12-04 and moved for its adoption, Mr. Parker seconded the motion.

Roll call was as follows;

Mr. Leber – yes

Mr. Parker – yes

Mr. Stewart – yes

This Resolution 2023-12-04 adopted this 21st day December, 2023 

*Complete Resolutions in their entirety available upon request.


There were no communications to review.

Old Business: 

Replacing the generator was discussed earlier in the meeting.

New Business

Mr. Parker13,403.67 moved to pay the bills in the amount of $58,402.64, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present answering yes; motion carried.

Mr. Stewart moved to adjourn.

Scott Leber, President                             Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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