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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA
April 4, 2013
President Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/ Zoning Inspector. Road Superintendent David Kelley was excused from the meeting.
Mr. Leber moved to accept the minutes, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
No guests were present.
Zoning Report:
Mr. David reported that he had issued one permit to;
Dennis Barber, 4417 Delematre Rd. for a 12 X 35 deck
Mr. David distributed copies of an inspection letter he had received from John Zimmerman, Huron Township Building Department. In the letter Mr. Zimmerman stated; “the entire Kimball Elevator site is in generally dangerous condition and could present a serious safety hazard to the general public and to emergency workers that may be called to the scene during an emergency.” Mr. David said that the inspection letter along with the recently passed “nuisance resolution” had been sent to the Norfolk Southern Corporation by certified mail. He said that he had received a call from Brandon Phifer, property manager for the Norfolk Southern Corporation, saying he would be in the area to inspect the elevator site and he wanted to meet with a representative of the Township. Mr. David reported that he was unable to meet with Mr. Phifer, but he had forwarded his name and number to Mr. Leber for the possibility that he could meet with him.
Mr. Leber reported that he was unable to meet with Mr. Phifer, but he had a lengthy conversation with him concerning the situation. He said, that Mr. Phifer stated that no one has permission to be on railroad property and once the Elevator Association hadn’t renewed the lease in 2012, no one had any right to sell anything sitting on railroad property. Mr. Phifer requested names and numbers of the representatives for the Citizens Bank and the Elevator Association.
Mr. Stewart reported that he had met with Assistant Prosecutors Sandy Rabino and Gary Lickfelt, concerning the Kimball elevator situation. He said after discussing the matter with them, they suggested a conference call to Bob England at the Erie County Health Department. Mr. England said that he would contact Norfolk Southern Corporation and request that they immediately remedy the situation.
Road Superintendent
Mr. Kelley was excused from the meeting.
Mr. Leber said he had nothing more at this time.
Mr. Parker said he didn’t have anything at this time.
Mr. Stewart said he had nothing more to report.
Fiscal Officer
Mr. David distributed copies of the “2013 Chip Seal Contract” he had received from the County Engineer for the Trustees to review and approve.
After reviewing the contract, Mr. Leber moved to enter into the ‘2013 Chip Seal Contract” with the Erie County Engineer and County Commissioners, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
Communications were reviewed.
Old Business
Mr. Leber reported that he wanted to wait for better weather, before he contacted Roe’s Tree Service about using their bucket truck to work on the security lights.
New Business
Mr. Parker moved to pay the bills in the amount of $12,255.98, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.
No further business, Mr. Parker moved to adjourn.
James W. Stewart, President Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer
Michael G Parker-President
Cell: 419-704-2549
James W. Stewart-Trustee
Cell: 419-656-3243
Scott Leber-Trustee
Cell: 419-706-5850