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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA

Regular Meeting Minutes

April 17, 2014


President Scott Leber called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call

Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/ Zoning Inspector and Road Superintendent David Kelley.



Mr. Stewart moved to accept the minutes for the April 3, 2014, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.



No guest were present.


Zoning Report:

Mr. David reported that he had issued one permit to Justin Zimmerman; 6616 Mason Road, Sandusky, Ohio for an accessory structure, and Ryan Pickard, 2505 State Route 113, Monroeville, Ohio had applied for a conditional use permit, to operate a shooting range on his property. Mr. David said the Zoning Appeals Board would hold a hearing on May 29 for review of his application.


Mr. David also reported that he had processed a lot spit for Wensink Seed Farms on property that they were purchasing from Blaine Emmerick


Road Superintendent

Mr. Kelley reported that the 2002 IHC dump truck had been repaired, and he would be using it to haul debris from the Kimball property. He said cleanup on the property was moving along with the concrete and other debris being separated and either hauled away or burned.


Mr. Kelley reported that he and Kerry Jett from Groton Township had met with a representative from ODOT, about the traffic on Township roads being caused by the closure of Route 99. He said that the placement of signs notifying of the closing were misplaced and this was causing big trucks to use Portland and Harris Roads. He said the representative ask that they take video of the roads so any damages could be verified after the project was completed.


Mr. Kelley reported that he had been questioned about having a notice put in the newsletter that May 30 - 31 would be the date of the 2014 Township Wide Garage Sale. After some discussion, Mr. David said he would contact Deb Dechant about the notice. 


Mr. Kelley requested permission to order crack sealing material, He said Groton and Margretta were putting together an order, so along with Oxford they were hoping to receive the truck load discount.


Mr. Parker moved to purchase crack seal material, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried. Mr. Kelley said he would get with the other Road Superintendents and put the order together.



Mr. Leber reported that he had received a complaint about trash buildup on several residences on Delematre Road. Mr. David said he would look into the matter, and notify the Erie County Health Department about the problem.


Mr. Leber said he had talked with Mike Erney about the water drainage problem he was having along Ransom Road. Mr. Kelley said that they had jetted the tile last year and it was open as far as they could tell. Mr. Kelley said he believes the problem lies with the trees along the road in Mr. Erney’s front yard. The only way to solve the root problem is to dig up the road tile and replace it with solid tile so the roots can’t clog it up.


Mr. Parker reported that he had received a statement from the Erie County Community Foundation showing the interest income for the Oxford Township Fund for 2013. He reported that the foundation had again had a ten percent earning for the year.


Mr. Stewart reported that he talked with Regional Planning about the “Community Block Grants”. He said that due to the available funds being greatly reduced, the chances of obtaining any funds for a road improvement project would be next to nothing.   Mr. Stewart reported that they had worked on replacing the fence at the Sand Kill Cemetery. He said that several huge pieces of stone were used to support the old fence had to be removed, but work was progressing and the project would be finished this spring.


Fiscal Officer

Mr. David said that the Township had received the first half of the 2013 property taxes from the Auditor, other than that he had nothing to report.



Communications were reviewed.


Old Business

There was no old business.


New Business

Mr. David’s submitted the annual contract for road work with the Erie County Engineers office to the Trustees for their approval. Mr. Stewart moved to approve the contract with the Erie County Commissioners for the 2014 road work, Mr. Parker seconded the contract. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.


Mr. Stewart moved to pay the bills in the amount of $24,426.53, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.


No further business, Mr. Stewart moved to adjourn.


Scott Leber, President                                    Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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Scott Leber-President


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker-Vice-President 


Cell: 419-704-2549 


James W. Stewart-Trustee


Cell: 419-656-3243